By R. Sharath Jois

Published in Mysore, in March 2103.

87 pages, Rs. 500.

Thus far only available directly from the KPJAYI Shop, in Mysore.

Includes a dedication to Guruji, exploration of the eight limbs of Ashtanga, a note on practice, Primary Series asanas, mantra, supplemental asanas for therapy.  

The dedication:

This book and its teachings are dedicated to Shri K. Pattabhi Jois, Guruji.

Without him, none of this would be possible. Guruji sacrificed so much to study and then share this practice with us all. He left his home in a small village to devote himself completely to his studies. many years of hard work passed before Guruji became well-known to the world. His teachings now cross continents, and more students come every year to this wonderful practice. 

Guruji was committed to passing on the practice exactly as he had learned it from his teacher, Krishnamacharya. he spent years learning all he could from Krishnamacharya and when it came time for him to begin teaching, Guruji did so following his teachers instructions. This is parampara, which means an uninterrupted succession; the direct and unbroken transmission of knowledge from a teacher to his or her student.

All who dedicate themselves to this tradition and who teach within this parampara owe much to Guruji. Devoting oneself to the lineage of Guruji is to enter an ancient river of teachings that flows to an ocean of wisdom.

I dedicate this book to him, in loving memory.

om sri gurubhyo namah

Astanga Yoga Anusthana